How to Schedule Time Table for UPSC Exam Preparation

By Jenny

Time-table needs to be preparing for an exam; either it is a school time or competitive exams. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is considered to be the toughest competitive exams. It is not an easy task to crack it and secure a rank. It requires proper planning and extreme level preparation.

Anything that goes with plans has the maximum chances to work out with success. Similarly, UPSC exam preparation also needs a well-planned time-table to complete the preparation time and have high hopes to make a success in it.

Many students make their time-table whereas students approaching the study centre like UPSC classes can get the prepared time-table from the faculty. Here listed below are some tips to make an effective UPSC chart preparation time.

Tips for preparing a timetable for UPSC preparation

(1) Start with syllabus

You need to get well-versed with UPSC syllabus for both UPSC prelims and UPSC mains. Knowing it clearly will save time from preparing the unnecessary things.

(2) Plan to complete the syllabus timely

You need to calculate the number of the topics, time required to complete each topic, number of days left in hands, and the time that is possible to devote after each topic. Accordingly, divide the time for each subject targeting to complete it timely.

(3) Reading newspaper can be the first task of the day

The aspirants must be well-aware with a fact that current affairs play an important role in UPSC exam both in UPSC prelims and UPSC mains. Therefore, it is imperative to stay abreast with the latest happening across the world. At least an hour needs to be spending in reading a newspaper. You need to read 2-3 different newspaper to collect the various views and news on the same topic.

(4) Optional subjects with UPSC mains

The marks obtained in UPSC mains optional subject are going to be added to determine the final rank. Thus, you need to put efforts to prepare it hard even if you are good in the subject. At least 4 hours need to spend after mains optional subject. After newspaper, there comes a turn of an optional subject which can be continued till lunch hours.

(5) Preparation for general studies for UPSC exam

It can be a good idea to choose two subjects at a time. It all depends on your choice and comfort to start with which subjects. But, often it is suggested to start with history and polity. Have a break in between after studying one subject for nearly 2 or 3 hours. Take a break. Drink a beverage with some snacks. Go out for a while. Have a talk with your friends. But, better don’t insert you in media channels.

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There are no fixed rules on how to entertain your small breaks. It means to say be comfortable and relaxed before starting another subject. A start with a fresh mind works easily and grasps the things fast.

The UPSC coaching classes in Nagpur also believes in short breaks during their period of nearly 4-5 hours of coaching. It is understood that our mind has a limited capacity to continue something. A tired mind is helpless to grasp anything.

Debates and discussion for UPSC exam

When you are a part of a group or out with any friend preparing for the UPSC exam, fall into a healthy discussion about what happenings around you. Share your thoughts and gain additional information from them.

Such discussions help to broaden the understanding of the issue and help greatly in answering the questions. It is also helpful during interviews when you incorporate various perspectives in replying the questions which can ultimately fetch the bonus points.

Air news for UPSC preparation

After a whole day study, the mind gets tired. After having dinner, you won’t be in a state for more textual studies. All India Radio news or any prime time news debate on television may be the best things to do after dinner. The knowledge about politics is beneficial in the long run. Have a quick revision of the entire day studies before falling on the bed.


Preparing hard for UPSC exam is essential. But all works and no play may make you a dull and sick aspirant. It doesn’t mean to say spend a huge time after entertainment. But, regular small breaks are needed. Passing time in exercising will be a great option. It will provide strength to a body and oxygen to mind. Both are essential for the aspirants.

The above-discussed ways of preparing the timetable to UPSC exams are in general. These are not fixed guidelines. But, these are helpful when followed. Rest, aspirants can make changes accordingly.

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