International Women’s Day: Celebrate the Little Things

Christina Jones
Image by ALBERTO H. FABREGAS from Pixabay

International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March every year because it’s a day when women’s issues are highlighted. This year International Women’s Day fall on Mar 8th Friday, 2024. The roots of International Women’s Day trace back to earlier movements fighting for women’s rights, with the first large-scale gathering happening in 1911. Since then, women have pushed their workplaces, our society, and our country forward to a point where we can stand tall and proud and hold our heads up proudly.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,’ highlighting the importance of investing in women’s education, health, and economic opportunities.

I have observed the progress of women in the past and on International Women’s Day, I feel like there is so much to be proud of. It’s a day when we can come together and celebrate what we have accomplished and what we have yet to accomplish. Now more than ever, we can make a difference in the world and we should be encouraged to do so.

From pioneering scientists like Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett to leading entrepreneurs like Whitney Wolfe Herd, women are making groundbreaking contributions in various fields.

What are Benefits of International Women’s Day

One of the biggest benefits of International Women’s Day is that we can change things for the better. We can continue to push ourselves forward and we can do so by making some changes of our own. A lot of us work so hard for everything we want, but sometimes, we take for granted the little things that really make the difference. What a day to shine a light on them.

International Women’s Day is also an opportunity to advocate for systemic changes that promote gender equality, such as supporting policies for equal pay and parental leave.

Women’s businesses have sprung up all over the place, and for International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the small accomplishments of our female business owners. Small businesses can’t grow into huge corporations overnight. They need to think carefully about what they do, how they operate, and who they partner with. If you are a woman entrepreneur, consider being an ambassador for International Women’s Day.

Why not consider making a personal and community difference and achieving women’s empowerment? Don’t just think about it, take the steps to actually change your attitude about women in business. Then, bring this attitude into your business. It’s time to show how far women have come by looking at your company from a different perspective.

What we celebrate on International Women's Day?

Why do we celebrate Women’s Day?

Be sure to mention International Women’s Day on your corporate bulletin board. It is a good idea to post it up near the company website. Don’t put it in the general public areas such as the employee break room or the ladies only room. You should have it there for a very specific reason.

Make it clear what the purpose of having it is. If the goal is to inspire confidence in women in business, let it be there. Try to attract as many women as possible to see what the day can offer. Since so many women have participated in International Women’s Day activities before, they will know what is needed. Plus, their peers might know more than they do.

Don’t let other events happen because they may have so much going on. So many women feel guilty about their own organizations and probably feel like they need to be in charge. Don’t let that happen with International Women’s Day. Your event can serve as a celebration of Women’s History and will make women feel a sense of accomplishment.

Check out Women’s Economy Day, too. That day has a lot to offer. It’s important to be honest about what it stands for so it can be an enjoyable and educational event for everyone.

Despite the advancements, issues like gender pay gap and access to education persist in many parts of the world. International Women’s Day reminds us to continue striving for a world where all women can reach their full potential.

International Women’s Day can be celebrated at women’s conferences. It will also make a great platform for setting up activities and presentations that are specific to International Women’s Day. The number of women will grow and you will get a chance to show your appreciation to all the women who came to the conference.

International Women’s Health events have been popping up allover the country. Take advantage of these events to gather key individuals who can positively impact your organization.

As you can see, there are so many reasons why you can make a difference in your business and in the lives of people want to be a part of it. Do it! Go ahead and do it! #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024

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Christina Jones is working as a blogger for popular corporate gifts, promotional items, and product supplier companies. She loves to write about creative gift ideas related to Business services, lifestyles, occasions and much more.